...to when Malachi will start preschool. We went for the enrolment visit today, filled out paperwork and chatted to the director, Liz, who I really do think does an excellent job. She can be a little scary (intimidating) if you don't know her, but I did some casual work at the preschool while I was pregnant with Malachi, and DH's daughter Elizabeth went there for a little while when she lived with us.
She's very professional- didn't bat an eyelid when I said I was pagan (she invited me to provide the teachers with info about celebrating the seasonal festivals that they could share with the children) or when I said Malachi wasn't vaxxed, and she said that she totally agreed and supported me not wanting Malachi to have any chemical additives or sugary crap (ie when other parents bring in birthday cakes), or when I said I was intending to homeschool.
Malachi's vaxxed til 12 months, and after that I did my research and decided I didn't want him having any more. So really, the only one he's 'missed' is the chicken pox at 18 months. Liz said (as she has to) that if there's an outbreak of anything he's not vaxxed against, he'd be excluded til it was over. And then she said that chicken pox was the most likely one to happen, and that "it'll go through all the immunised children anyway", and thus proved my point that there's NO point in injecting chemicals into our kids, to 'immunise' them against a disease that they're gonna get anyway!
So I'm feeling more confident again about the whole preschool thing. For the rest of the year, we're going to go for a play there once a week, so my beautiful boy can feel confident and safe in the space when it's time for him to be there without me.
And he's very excited about it!
And just for the sake of it, a pic of my future babywearing man:
1 week ago
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