... to start a blog.
So here's the plan- to be as self sufficient as possible. This might take a while! The first step in the plan is to get some land (25 acres or so), which will hopefully happen sometime next year. Then to build a house-shed to live in until we can afford to build a strawbale house. In the meantime, I'll be growing vegies and fruit to my heart's content. And getting chickens. And goats.
So where are we starting from? We're renting a unit in town. I'm growing as many vegies as I can, but really, there's not much room! Especially seeing as the vegie garden has to be fenced to keep the silly dog out... but lately she's getting in anyway! That's the back vegie garden, in which I have onions, strawberries, sugar snap peas, and a few cauliflowers, cabbages and broccoli. And one little self seeded tomato plant, who has popped up in the middle of the strawberries.
There's also the front vegie garden. I dug out all the agapanthus (noxious weeds!) and I've got cauliflowers, zucchini, lettuces, silverbeet, spinach, carrots, and beetroot. In bins I have potatoes, and in pots I have more strawberries, garlic and dill. There are parsnip seedlings coming, and a few roma tomatoes. Today I planted basil seeds (funky looking 'limelight basil'!) and tamarillo seeds. Yum!
It doesn't sound like we're doing too badly on the vegie front, does it? But there's not enough space to have decent quantities of everything... and I want a fruit orchard! And chickens!
Anyway, that's a basic rundown... and now I'm off to figure out how this blogging thing works.
1 week ago
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